What The Funnel

WTF 22: Easy Steps to Avoid Facebook Fraud

Episode Summary

Don't run Facebook ads until you do this! I was a victim of fraud, and I want to save you thousands of dollars and hours of headaches!

Episode Notes

You know it's going to be a bad day when you wake up with emails from Chase, Facebook, and Credit Karma...

Someone hacekd my Facebook account and got complete access to not only my account manager, but also EVERYONE WHO'S ACCOUNTS I MANAGE...

I had to reach out to clients that I haven't spoken to in months and tell them I'm the reason they have $1000+ in charges on their account and their ad accounts are shut down...

I'm in the process of getting it solved now, but in this episode I share with you the exact steps to take to assure this doesn't happen to you as well (because it's not fun).